11 February 2009

3 Months

Dear Zoë,
Congratulations little one!  We are officially through the fourth trimester.  And you have now been "living" for a full year!  You are becoming such a little person...no longer accepting a life of merely eating, sleeping and pooping.  Oh no, you want to be a part of everything that is going on.  And you've even taken to squealing when you're not!  We didn't have a pediatrician appointment this month so I'm not sure exactly how much you're weighing.  But there is no doubt you are growing!  You have almost outgrown all of your 0-3 month clothes.  And you're getting ready to move on to size 2 diapers.

You've really started learning how to "work" us this month, little girl.  You have this new cry that you're using...which is really more of a yell or pitiful scream.  I call it your "damsel in distress" cry because let's be honest you're just using it to get our attention.  It's really kind of funny.  I'll walk away from you and you'll let out this "look at me!" scream...and when I come back you'll flash me this huge grin.  Wrapped.  That's all I have to say...wrapped.  

Just as everyone has predicted your hair has started falling out.  I'm finding it in little feathery wisps in your bed and on your changing table.  You can also see little bare spots on the back of your head.  But, no worries girl, you still have plenty of hair to sport a pretty rockin' do.  I'm telling ya, people pay good money for your look!  And Daddy sure is holding out hope that you will keep the "do" that proves you really are his child.  I'm also wondering what your eyes are going to do.  I haven't let myself get to attached to them because I figured they would probably change.  But they really are a beautiful shade of steely blue.  I don't know that I've ever spent so much time staring into one person's eyes.

You are still loving to suck on your fist and completely reject a pacifier.  This morning you actually started to find your thumb.  It was really kind of pitiful...your thumb is so tiny it seems to be a pretty unsatisfying thing to suck!  You seemed to realize that and went back to working on shoving your whole fist in your little mouth.  Sometimes you suck on 2 or 3 of your fingers when you take your naps.  Whatever works, right?!  Oh, and I almost forgot, you still love to blow spit bubbles and you totally drool like a machine.

Ok girl, we need to have another talk about our sleep issues.  Our transition to the "big girl" crib is going ok.  Mommy has only woken up in a "where's the baby!" panic a few times.  I'm pretty proud of myself.  You, on the other hand, are not accepting this whole "sleep through the night" concept.  You'll do a pretty good 5-6 hour stretch at the beginning of the night.  Then, I'm not sure exactly what happens, but you have gotten into the habit of waking up every two hours after that.  And I mean you wake up!  Eyes open wide, looking around like you're ready to start the day.  I'm kind of at a loss for how to break you of this habit.  I'm hoping maybe you'll just grow out of it??  But seriously girl, we do not start our day at 4am!  

Things that I love:
Your big gummy smiles
Your sweet breathy whispers
Your edible chubby cheeks
Your big baby yawns
Your rock star mohawk hairdo
Your mesmerizing blue eyes

You met our preacher, Kris, for the first time on Sunday and he went on and on about how beautiful you are.  I told him that we thought so, but what do we know.  He said, "Just 'cause you're biased doesn't mean you're wrong."  I like that.


1 comment:

Michele said...

Love all the photos! She really is beautiful and I'm not biased. Hope the crib transition continues to go well...believe me it seems strange but there may be a time in the near future when you miss those middle of the night cuddle sessions. At the risk of sounding repetitive, if you can sleep when she sleeps try to...even if its very early. She will grow out of the early waking! Good luck...