31 May 2008

My First Baby

Today is my baby sister Sarah's 21st birthday.  I was 11 when Sarah was born and no one was ever more excited to have a baby join their family.  I have such vivid memories of the first day Mom & Dad brought her home.  I remember rocking her for hours and feeling so much love for this new little baby.  I don't think anyone could have convinced me that she wasn't MY baby. ;)  Sarah awakened my budding maternal instincts.  And I have always felt very natural around newborns because of my experience with her.  I never had any problems getting baby-sitting jobs.  Heck, I'd been changing diapers since I was 11!

Over the years I spent many days and nights baby-sitting (lucky Mom...built in baby-sitter!), braiding hair and having little legs digging into my back when she insisted on sleeping with me.  Our age difference was enough to not have constant fighting and territorial wars.  In fact, I was at school in Nashville for most of her formative years.  I hated missing so much of her growing up...but, I know she LOVED coming to visit big sister in college.

And now here she is...21 and getting ready for her senior year at GCSU.  I am so so proud of you, Sarah.  You have become such a beautiful, soulful person.  You are a sweet spirit and loyal friend.  You are smart, successful and humble.  And even though you have become a good friend...you will always be my first baby.   

Happy birthday, sweet sister!  I hope this year is full of new and exciting experiences.  And no worries...you are totally going to be a cool and fun aunt! ;)


Kristen Popham said...

I will always remember sitting with Laurie (Laura) at church when Bekah was at the hospital and how we took "good luck charms" to church with us in hopes that Sarah would be a girl :)

Unknown said...

I was very aware of your social life and was careful not to make you miss anything because of babysitting. Dad and I went out at 5:00 so as to be home by 7:30 so you could go out. I never wanted you to resent your baby sister.